UndocuBlack Not Shaken By First Parliamentarian Ruling on Legalization

For Immediate Release

September 19, 2021

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Senate Parliamentarian ruled against the chance to better the lives of nearly millions of immigrants through a pathway to citizenship in the budget reconciliation. Despite this decision, UndocuBlack remains convinced that this must be the year for obtaining documentation for undocumented people including those named as having budgetary impact: immigrant youth, TPS holders, farmworkers and essential workers.

That the fate of millions of people can be delayed by an unelected staff attorney for the Senate is enraging and speaks to the many systematic obstacles that keep American progression gridlocked. Contrary to the Parliamentarian’s decision is the vocal and strong support of a pathway to citizenship through reconciliation by both the President and Democrats in Congress. UndocuBlack is not shaken and will continue to fight alongside the hundreds of organizations within our movement and the millions of our allies. 

Democrats know that they can’t go back to our communities without keeping their promise on immigration. Democrats know that they can’t once again fail to give all that they have to the fight for permanent protections for immigrant communities.

The battle for a pathway to citizenship is far from over, and our communities will not be deterred by a temporary setback. There are more opportunities for Democrats to bring arguments to the Parliamentarian and go over this procedural hurdle; we expect them to do so. Black immigrants have risked our lives and livelihoods to keep the country safe, healthy, and running during the ongoing pandemic while still facing risks of deportation. The time is now. We are confident that a pathway to citizenship will be passed this year, and we expect Senate Democrats to stay with us in this battle until it is won.


THE UNDOCUBLACK NETWORK (UBN), founded in 2016, is a multigenerational network of currently and formerly undocumented Black people that fosters community, facilitates access to resources and contributes to transforming the realities of our people so we are thriving and living our fullest lives. UBN has chapters in New York City, the DC/MD/VA area, and Los Angeles, CA.