UndocuBlack Network: The Dream and Promise Act will give protection to Dream-eligible, DED, and TPS immigrants

March 12th, 2019

For Immediate Release

Contact: Nekessa Opoti | nekessa@undocublack.org | (612) 460-0656

Important legislation to restore and expand immigration protections removed by Trump Administration

Washington, DC - This evening, the House under the leadership of Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, introduced the Dream and Promise Act with Reps. Lucille Roybal-Allard, Nydia Velazquez and Yvette D. Clarke, which expands the original DREAM Act, the American Promise Act, and the ASPIRE-TPS Act, from the 115th Congress.  This new legislation called the American Promise Act of 2019 has been entered into the 116th Congress with 203 original co-sponsors.

The UndocuBlack Network welcomes the Dream and Promise Act as a step toward restoring and expanding protection toward Dream-eligible immigrants as well as TPS and DED holders.

Below is the official statement from the UndocuBlack Network:

“This bill is a direct response to the attacks that our communities have been facing from the Trump administration, with the removals of protections for Dream eligible immigrants, TPS holders from 13 countries and Liberian holders of Deferred Enforced Departure (DED).  Make no mistake, this bill is just the beginning of what is owed to immigrant communities.  

In less than 20 days, DED for Liberians expires. We are co-plaintiffs with 15 Liberians suing the Trump administration for its racist termination of the humanitarian program, DED,  which has existed for over twenty years.

Our families and communities are in a constant panic, in fear that they will be targeted- detained and deported. It is within this context that we fight every day for all of us, and the introduction of the Dream and Promise Act is an extension of the legislative solution.

DACA, DED and TPS holders have been protected from deportation for years, and now many have had these protections stripped. We condemn this administration’s removal of protections, work permits and the destabilizing of our communities.  As such, we look forward to the expedient passage of this bill through the House without any added enforcement or poison pills that would further criminalize our communities.

There is a pro-immigrant momentum growing throughout this country and we are hopeful that the clean passage of this bill will prove it.
